Update History: 02/28/96 seielstad html-ified. 07/01/95 seielstad split from faq. 06/29/95 seielstad improved some answers. 03/09/95 seielstad Added numerous questions. 03/01/95 seielstad Initial.
[note: I updated some of the pinouts from the "Installing your MM/1 Extended kit" - els]
U1 SCC 66470 VSC U2-U9 M5 142561-80R RAM U10 PAL 16L8 ALC PAL U11 74 HC 05 N hex inverter U12 WD 37C65 floppy controller U13 MAX 233 CPP bus/line transceiver /t0 U14 74 HC 138 3 to 8 decod/demult U15 74 HC 04 N hex inverter U16 OSC 4.9152 MHz oscillator for CPU U17 74 HC 138 N 3-bit decoder/demult U18 74 HC 74 AN dual D-type U19 74 HC 32 AN quad OR U20 68070 microprocessor U21 27C512 ROM U22 27C512 ROM U23 74 HC 74 AN dual D-type U24 74 LS 299 8-bit shift reg U25 MC 68901 MFP /t1 U26 74 HCT 06 E hex inverter U53 BT 478 palette controller
P1 DB-9 video p1 = Ground p2 = Ground p3 = Red p4 = Green p5 = Blue p6 = No Connection p7 = Sound p8 = Horizontal Sync. p9 = Vertical Sync. P2 DB-9 /t0 P3 power/reset P4 VSC -> palette P5 sound p1 = sound-out, p2=ground P6 DIN keyboard p1 = Keyboard Clock p2 = Keyboard Data p3 = RESET* p4 = Ground p5 = +5 volts P7 memory size p1-p3 & p2-p4 = Set for 3 megabytes unjumpered = Set for 1 Megabyte P8 sync logic sets VSYNC* and HSYNC* to high or low P9 /t1 p1 = tx p2 = rx p5 = +5 volts p6 = Ground P10 68901 XTAL freq P11 backplane conn. P12 ROM mon/CTS for /t1 p1-p2 = toggle ROM Monitor p3-p4 = set CTS* on /t1 p5-p6 = set Master/Slave mode on I2C bus. P13 floppy pin 2 sets pin 2 of floppy drive high or low P14 floppy disk connector P15 IIC p1 = sda (serial data) p2 = scl (serial clock) P16 palette VAA,SETUP
[note: I updated some of the pinouts from the "Installing your MM/1 Extended kit" - els]
U1 PAL 22 V 10 APC refresh PAL U2 74 HC 4040 N binary counter U3-U4 SIMM SIMM socket U5 74 AC 257 PC quad 2 to 1 select U6 74 AC 257 PC quad 2 to 1 select U7 74 AC 257 PC quad 2 to 1 select U8 MAX 233 CPP bus/line transceiver /t2 U9 MC 68901 MFP /t2 U10 WD 33C93 A SCSI controller U11 AD 7569 KN analog I/O system U12 AD 7569 KN analog I/O system U13 PAL 16L8 ANS sound PAL U14 OSC 8 MHz oscillator for SCSI U15 U16 74 HC 05 N hex inv U17 74 HCV 04 N hex inv U18 PAL 18L8 ANC device address PAL U19 74 HC 32 N quad OR U20 74 HC 74 AN dual D-type U21 MC 68230 PIT /p /p1 U22 MC 14053 BCF analog multiplexer U23 MC 68681 DUART /t3 /t4 U24 DS 1287 RT clock U25 74 HC 32 N quad OR U26 74 HC 00 quad NAND U27 79 L 05 -5V regulator
P1 /p p1 = STROBE* p2 = busy p3 = d0 p5 = d1 p7 = d2 p9 = d3 p11= d4 p13= d5 p15= d6 p17= d7 p19= ACK* (even # pins 10-20 are grounded) P2 DIN /t2 P3 P4 backplane conn. P5 printer LF p1-p2 toggles linefeed for /p p3-p4 toggles linefeed for /p1 P6 DIN sound p1 = Channel B sound in p2 = Ground p3 = Channel A sound in p4 = Channel B sound out p5 = Channel A sound out P7 SCSI light P8 DIN joystick. P9 /t3 p1 = tx p2 = rx p3 = RTS* p4 = CTS* p5 = +5 volts p6 = Ground p7 = dcd p8 = dtr P10 /p1 (* same pinouts as /p *) P11 refresh rate P12 /t4 (* same pinouts as /t3 *) J1 SCSI power p1-p2 = Selects SCSI power from Bus or the I/O board. Only used if another SCSI Master is on the Bus. H1/H2 I/O wait states
Subject: joystick readout on MM/1
/* demo program to read the joystick on MM/1 - Andrzej Kotanski, March 1995 */ /* WARNING : this is just a demo program. It reprograms the sound/joystick */ /* port and does not care about other processes possibly using */ /* this port. */ /* Please note that the AD 7569 chips are set to the -2.5 to +2.5 Volt range */ /* This is hard-wired on the board. These chips are 8-bit AD/DA converters. */ /* Joystick gets the supply of +5.0 V and returns a value between 0 and 5 V */ /* Therefore only 7 bits can be read from the joystick, giving the range of */ /* 0 to 127. */ #includemain() { unsigned char *mfp = (unsigned char *)0xe00381; /* MFP 68901 */ unsigned char *left = (unsigned char *)0xe00100; /* AD 7569 left */ unsigned char *right = (unsigned char *)0xe00101; /* AD 7569 right */ unsigned char *pit = (unsigned char *)0xe00181; /* PIT 68230 */ *mfp |= 0x80; /* select input (AD) not output (DA) */ *(pit + 8) |= 1; /* set bit 0 of port C of PIT to output */ *(pit + 24) |= 1; /* select joystk not sound by setting bit 0 port C */ *(mfp + 4) &= ~0xc; /* set fire button bits to input */ system("tmode -w=1 nopause"); for (;;) { tsleep(10); printf("x = %3d y = %3d Fire 1 = %d Fire 2 = %d\n", *left, *right, *mfp & 4, *mfp & 8); fflush(stdout); } }
name=b0 drv=0 stp=3 typ=$27 dns=$03 cyl=80 sid=2 vfy=0 (on) sct=11 t0s=11 sas=1 ilv=2 tfm=0 toffs=0 soffs=0 ssize=1024 cntl=$0000 trys=0 lun=0 wpc=0 rwr=0 park=0 lsnoffs=0 totcyls=80 ctrlrid=0 rates=$30 scsiopt=$0000 maxcount=65535
Very old 3.5" drives sometimes used the data cable to provide power. Be wary of such drives, as they require special cabling to connect to more recent computers.
"x" indicates the pin is connected. Ports /t0 /t1 /t2 /t3 /t4 /t5 1 = DCD x x x x x Lines 6 and 9 are N/C on all ports. 2 = Rx x x x x x x /t0 is a DB9 on the motherboard 3 = Tx x x x x x x /t1 is a paddle board which mounts on 4 = DTR x x x x x a 6-pin header on the motherboard 5 = Gnd x x x x x x /t2 (/ms) is on the I/O board 7 = RTS x x /t3 and /t4 are paddle boards which 8 = CTS x x mount on headers on the I/O board /t5 is located on the 68340 processor upgrade board.
left input 5 1 right input left output 4 2 right output ground 3
Fix: Between the sound output connector and the ADA converter chip on the I/O board is a group of four 520 ohm resistors (together with some small capacitors). Remove the two middle ones (which shunt the sound output to ground).
Fix: Remove the two outer 520 ohm resistors in the group mentioned above. If possible, replace with 47k ohm resistors to provide static protection without overloading. Note that if you use earphone outputs or some similar source, then you should probably not perform this change.
Fix: Note that this fix will tend to make the MM/1 audio more sensitive to digital noise from inside the case, so this is only recommended if you're having trouble using the MM/1 with specific audio equipment.
Bend up Pin 4 of each of the two A/D/A chips (long thin DIPs near the audio connector) and jumper it to pin 1. This will cut the audio levels in half. If you do this fix, you should also do fix #2 above.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Gnd Gnd Red Grn Blu N/C Snd Hor Vert
Fix: Disconnect Pin 5 of the RAMDAC. This will disable the composite sync signal. The Brooktree RAMDAC is a small square chip-carrier package near the video connector. Carefully remove it from the socket, put a piece of tape or other insulator over pin 5, and re-insert the chip. Pins are numbered counterclockwise from the small mark above pin 1 in the middle of the bevelled side. Pin 6 is next to the cut-off corner. Note that you will lose the ability to use composite monochrome monitors directly.
MM/1 Compact DB15 DB9 2 (Grnd) 10 9 3 (Red) 1 1 4 (Grn) 2 2 5 (Blue) 3 3 8 (HSync) 13 4 9 (VSync) 14 5Note that this setup _requires_ the modification described above to disable the composite sync. Monitor will work for short periods without that mod if you disconnect the HSync and VSync from this adapter, although this is not recommended.