MM/1 Module Directory - 07/06/95

Here is the rough draft of an annotated bootmod list for the MM/1 and MM/1a, please send any corrections/additions to

I wrapped a few of the long lines, and re-worded a few of the descriptions to make it fit in 80-columns. If nobody objects, I'll probably leave it this way.

Update History:
  07/09/95 Seielstad  Added hawksoft's cd-rom modules
  07/06/95 Seielstad  Initial release

Things I still need:
    -I need to add WINDIO56 to this list.
    -I still need a description for 'mk68901'
    -what's the difference between scsi_mm1a, scsi_mm1d?
    -the sc68230 module, does it drive more than just the parallel ports?
    -modules in original 68070 boot-roms
    -modules in hard-drive boot-roms (for 68070)
    -modules in 68340 rom (if there are any)

  fn/module     = filename of the module
  ed.           = edition number of module
  CRC           = CRC of module
  Location      = Location (original system disk are the IMS disk 6)
                     OK - original system disk, KERNEL directory
                     OR - original system disk, RBF directory
                     OS - original system disk, SCF directory
                     ON - original system dist, NFM directory
                     OP - original system disk, PIPE directory
                     OW - original system disk, WIN directory
                     UR - '' distribution RBF directory
                     US - '' distribution SBF directory
                     UM - '' distribution MODS directory
                     8M - 8-meg upgrade
                     MI - midi paddle board
                     66 - 68340 upgrade, 68340 directory
                     6M - 68340 upgrade, MODS directory.
                     CD - CD file manager from Hawksoft.
                     W50 - k-windows ed. 50 distribution
                     W52 - k-windows ed. 52 distribution
                     W54 - k-windows ed. 54 distribution
                     ?? - mystery (looked like '', but included
                                   tape drivers, anywhere the mystery disk
                                   duplicated the file, I removed
                                   the ?? from the location)

  Description = description of module.  When I could, I list CPU() and
                     IO() which describe on which board the devices are
                     located.  the 'uXX' number is the chip number.
                     for example: the file 'rtcds1287' has a description
                     'IO(u24): Real-Time Clock ds1287' (the real time clock
                     is a ds1287 on the IO board, chip number 'u24')

  fn/module     ed.     CRC     Location        Description
  ---------     ---     ------  --------        -----------
kernel          #83     90798   OK              OS-9 v2.4 kernel (68070)
kernel          #83     EED568  66              OS-9 v2.4 kernel (68340)
init            #20     9B1B0A  66              Init module
init.1mhd       #20     EE4F63  OK              Init 1-meg w/hard drive
init_10meg      #20     ADCEB9  66              Init 10 (really 11) meg MM/1
init_1meg       #20     E1A7DC  8M              Init 1-meg 
init_2meg       #20     DCF83E  8M              Init 2-meg 
init_3meg       #20     1F6BD1  OK              Init 3-meg 
init_3meg       #20     C48D37  UM              Init 3-meg 
init_8meg       #20     4DFE3D  66              Init 8 (9 really) meg mm/1
init_8meg       #20     FCF747  8M              Init 8 (9 really) meg mm/1
init_base       #20     B055A8  OK, UM          Init
rtcds1287       #5      10D5D6  OK, UM, 6M      IO(u24): Real-Time Clock ds1287
mk68901         #12     7B0911  OK              CPU(u25): 
sysgo           #5      687654  OK              sysgo module (spawns shells)
sysgo.5         #5      D9B2FA  OK              sysgo module
sysgo5          #5      D9B2FA  6M              sysgo module
tk68901         #7      147DA1  UM, 6M          CPU(u25): ticker on 68901
tk68901         #7      4038D2  OK              CPU(u25): ticker on 68901

--RBF-(Random Block Filemanager)------------------------------
rbf             #79     F098AF  OR, 6M, 66      Random Block-device Filemanager
--Floppy device descriptors for the rb37c65 driver------------
rb37c65         #7      2D75B0  66              CPU(u12): Dev.Drvr - Floppy
rb37c65         #7      3B4F59  W52             CPU(u12): Dev.Drvr - Floppy
rb37c65         #4      1768E9  UR              CPU(u12): Dev.Drvr - Floppy
rb37c65         #1      8C63E8  OR              CPU(u12): Dev.Drvr - Floppy
c0              #14     6010B2  UR              Dev.Desc for coco format
c1              #14     751647  UR              Dev.Desc for coco format
c2              #14     52BC3B  UR              Dev.Desc for coco format
c3              #14     8BEA4E  UR              Dev.Desc for coco format
d0              #14     1FEC2C  UR              Dev.Desc for MM/1 format
d0.hi           #11     37C400  OR              Dev.Desc for 1.4m MM/1 format           #11     58B545  OR              Dev.Desc for 1.4m Atari ST 
d1              #14     AEAD9   UR              Dev.Desc for MM/1 format 
d1.hi           #11     A7F447  OR              Dev.Desc for MM/1 format 
d2              #14     2D40A5  UR              Dev.Desc for MM/1 format 
d3              #14     F416D0  UR              Dev.Desc for MM/1 format 
hc0             #14     92C08   UR              Dev.Desc for 1.4meg coco 
hc1             #14     68D15B  UR
hc2             #14     BFA089  UR
hc3             #14     24E6F8  UR
hd0             #14     82DCC8  UR              Dev.Desc for hd0 floppy
hd1             #14     B6C331  UR
hd2             #14     345049  UR
hd3             #14     AF1638  UR
hs0             #14     DBF0DE  6M, UR          Dev.Desc for 1.4m ST format
hs1             #14     BA0D8D  UR
hs2             #14     6D7C5F  UR
hs3             #14     F63A2E  UR
mm1.d0          #14     69FA68  6M, UR          Dev.Desc for MM/1 format 
mm1.d1          #14     1FF595  UR
mm1.d1          #14     4A173F  ??
mm1.d2          #14     5B56E1  UR
mm1.d3          #14     820094  UR
s0              #14     338C47  UR, 6M          Dev.Desc for ST format
s1              #14     268AB2  UR
s2              #14     120CE   UR
s3              #14     D876BB  UR
u0              #14     5D28A7  UR              Dev.Desc for Universal format
u1              #14     482E52  UR              Dev.Desc for Universal format
u2              #14     6F842E  UR              Dev.Desc for Universal format
u3              #14     B6D25B  UR              Dev.Desc for Universal format
--rb33c93--obsolete SCSI device drivers-----------------------
.rb33c93        #6      541702  OR              IO(u10): Dev.Drvr - SCSI Ctrl
                                                 (replaced by rbvccs/scsi_mm1)
rb33c93         #6      541702  OR              IO(u10): Dev.Drvr - SCSI Ctrl
                                                 (replaced by rbvccs/scsi_mm1)
h0              #11     AA50BE  OR              Dev.Desc for harddisk (rb33c39)
h1              #11     2CAFD5  OR              Dev.Desc for harddisk (rb33c39)
--SCSI controller drivers/descriptors-------------------------
rbvccs          #12     580EF4  UR, 6M          IO(u10): Dev.Drvr - SCSI Ctrl.
scsi_mm1a       #28     F8B0A9  W52             subroutine module for rbvccs
scsi_mm1a       #25     40486B  66              subroutine module for rbvccs
scsi_mm1d       #27     40A52E  CD              subroutine module for rbvccs
scsi_mm1d       #25     3546A3  UR              subroutine module for rbvccs
h0              #14     4B9DF2  66              for h0 (hard-drive 0)
h0              #14     EEB0DA  UR              for h0 (hard-drive 0)
h0a             #14     3983C9  UR              partitioned h0 part. a
h0a             #14     9CAEE1  66              partitioned h0 part. a
h0b             #14     601BCF  UR              partitioned h0 part. b
h0b             #14     C536E7  66              partitioned h0 part. b
h0c             #14     72AAFB  UR              partitioned h0 part. c
h0c             #14     D787D3  66              partitioned h0 part. c
h0d             #14     73F8AA  66              partitioned h0 part. d
h0d             #14     D6D582  UR              partitioned h0 part. d
h0e             #14     2BD7D7  UR              partitioned h0 part. e
h0e             #14     8EFAFF  66              partitioned h0 part. e
h0f             #14     A73D9   UR              partitioned h0 part. f
h0f             #14     AF5EF1  66              partitioned h0 part. f
h0g             #14     694AB6  66              partitioned h0 part. g
h0g             #14     CC679E  UR              partitioned h0 part. g
h0fmt           #14     76A421  66              h0 with formatting enabled
h0fmt           #14     76A53B  UR              h0 with formatting enabled
h1              #14     18371D  UR              for h1
h1              #14     BD1A35  66              for h1
h1a             #14     2E996E  UR              partitioned h1 partition a
h1a             #14     8BB446  66              partitioned h1 partition a
h1b             #14     4188EC  66              partitioned h1 partition b
h1b             #14     E4A5C4  UR              partitioned h1 partition a
h1c             #14     22B183  UR              partitioned h1 partition a
h1c             #14     879CAB  66              partitioned h1 partition a
h1d             #14     55F1DB  66              partitioned h1 partition a
h1d             #14     F0DCF3  UR              partitioned h1 partition a
h1e             #14     36C8B4  UR              partitioned h1 partition a
h1e             #14     93E59C  66              partitioned h1 partition a
h1f             #14     59D936  66              partitioned h1 partition a
h1f             #14     FCF41E  UR              partitioned h1 partition a
h1g             #14     3AE059  UR              partitioned h1 partition a
h1g             #14     9FCD71  66              partitioned h1 partition a
h1fmt           #14     435B19  UR              h1fmt with formatting enabled
h1fmt           #14     8DE8EF  66              h1fmt with formatting enabled
h1fmt           #14     8DE9F5  ??              h1fmt with formatting enabled
h2              #14     26921F  66              for h2
h2              #14     83BF37  UR              for h2
h2fmt           #14     3CC4    UR              h2fmt with formatting enabled
h2fmt           #14     3DDE    66              h2fmt with formatting enabled
h3              #14     7538F0  UR              for h3
h3              #14     D015D8  66              for h3
h3fmt           #14     FB700A  UR              h3fmt with formatting enabled
h3fmt           #14     FB7110  66              h3fmt with formatting enabled
h4              #14     34AF00  UR
h4              #14     918228  66
h4fmt           #14     9B96C5  UR
h4fmt           #14     9B97DF  66
h5              #14     6705EF  66
h5              #14     C228C7  UR
h5fmt           #14     60DA0B  UR
h5fmt           #14     60DB11  66
h6              #14     59A0ED  UR
h6              #14     FC8DC5  66
h6fmt           #14     ED0E20  66
h6fmt           #14     ED0F3A  UR
h7              #14     A0A02   66
h7              #14     AF272A  UR
h7fmt           #14     1642EE  66
h7fmt           #14     1643F4  UR
--Device Descriptors for /dd----------------------------------
dd.c0           #14     154DE2  UR              makes /dd = /c0
dd.d0           #11     B28571  OR              makes /dd = /d0
dd.d0           #14     9AAD5D  UR              makes /dd = /d0
dd.h0           #11     EF21CF  OR              makes /dd = /h0
dd.h0           #14     ABC1AB  UR              makes /dd = /h0
dd.h0           #14     EEC83   66              makes /dd = /h0
dd.h0a          #14     D3E094  66, UR          makes /dd = /h0a
dd.h0fmt        #14     12E233  66, UR          makes /dd = /h0fmt
dd.hc0          #14     296F2D  UR              makes /dd = /hc0
dd.hd0          #14     22EFD0  UR              makes /dd = /hd0
dd.hs0          #14     7AB39A  UR              makes /dd = /hs0
dd.mm0          #14     602B83  ??              makes /dd = /mm0
dd.mm1.d0       #14     ECBB19  UR              makes /dd = /d0
dd.s0           #14     469155  6M, UR          makes /dd = /s0
dd.u0           #14     482DB5  UR              makes /dd = /u0
--Ram Disk----------------------------------------------------
ram             #15     78E8E8  6M              Dev.Driver for ram disks
ram             #12     F4DEDA  OR              Dev.Driver for ram disks
r0              #11     16E075  6M              Dev.Desc for /r0
r0              #11     37AA4E  OR              Dev.Desc for /r0
--Pipes-(use NULL device driver)------------------------------
null            #1      407F81  OP, 6M, OS      Dev.Driver NULL
pipeman         #32     961BDE  ON, OP          File Manager for Pipes
pipeman         #35     D6A976  6M              File Manager for Pipes
pipe            #2      CF450E  OP, 6M          Dev.Desc for /pipe
--PC Format RBF devices-(uses rb37c65 driver)-----------------
pcf             #24     2A45C3  UR              PC-Format Filemanager
pc0             #7      F99BF8  UR              Dev.Desc for 720k PC format
pc1             #7      CD8401  UR
pc2             #7      4F1779  UR
pc3             #7      D45108  UR
hpc0            #7      E0CA64  UR              Dev.Desc for 1.4m PC format
hpc1            #7      D2C3D8  UR
hpc2            #7      6D2C74  UR
hpc3            #7      2BDF7C  UR
--CDF-(CD-file manager)---------------------------------------
cdf             #12     C4771   CD              Hawksoft's CD Filemanager
rbrom           #1      F7D3C5  CD              Device Driver
cdr             #1      11F507  CD              cd device descriptor

scf             #31     B41F17  OS, 6M          Serial Character Filemananger
sc68070         #12     20C994  ??              CPU(u20): Dev.Drvr for 68070
                                                    Serial port (/t0)
sc68070         #4      73F55   OS              CPU(u20): Dev.Drvr for 68070
                                                    Serial port (/t0)
sc68070         #9      70657B  US              CPU(u20): Dev.Drvr for 68070
                                                    Serial port (/t0)
t0              #5      989F7C  US              Dev.Desc. for 68070's /t0
t0              #5      BDC944  OS              Dev.Desc. for 68070's /t0
sc66340         #31     743576  66              CPU(u20): Dev.Drvr 68340 
                                                    Serial ports (/t0 & /t5)
t0              #5      18F89E  66              Dev.Desc for 68340 /t0
t5              #5      3EB338  66              Dev.Desc for 68340 /t5
sc68901         #30     277D4C  66              CPU(u25): Dev.Drvr serial ports
sc68901         #28     1886AC  MI              CPU(u25): Dev.Drvr serial ports
sc68901         #25     70DC88  US              CPU(u25): Dev.Drvr serial ports
sc68901         #18     112E6B  OS              CPU(u25): Dev.Drvr serial ports
t1              #5      1563E9  6M              Dev.Desc for 68901 /t1
t1              #5      1563E9  US              Dev.Desc for 68901 /t1
t1              #5      39FBA6  OS              Dev.Desc for 68901 /t1
mi              #5      CF5598  MI              Dev.Desc for 68901 /mi (midi)
t2              #5      4FA0AA  OS              Dev.Desc for 68901 /t2
t2              #5      D0DE0F  US, 6M          Dev.Desc for 68901 /t2
sc68230         #1      8EB9CC  OS              IO(u21): Dev.Drivr for /p
p               #5      4544DD  66              Dev.Desc for parallel port /p
p               #5      60BAFC  US              Dev.Desc for parallel port /p
p               #5      791FE1  OS              Dev.Desc for parallel port /p
sc68230.polled  #2      DF01D3  US              IO(u21): Dev.Drivr for polled
                                                    parallel port.
sc68681         #32     6DBF65  66              IO(u23): Dev.Drivr serial port
sc68681         #29     624752  ??              IO(u23): Dev.Drivr serial port
sc68681         #25     6F2107  US              IO(u23): Dev.Drivr serial port
sc68681         #15     817A8   OS              IO(u23): Dev.Drivr serial port
t3              #5      AEABE6  US, 6M          Dev.Desc for /t3
t4              #5      62ECBF  US, 6M          Dev.Desc for /t4
scp68230        #8      29D01C  6M              CPU(u25): Dev.Drivr polled
scp68230        #7      99BD46  ??              CPU(u25): Dev.Drivr polled
scp68230        #5      E9A859  US              CPU(u25): Dev.Drivr polled
p.polled        #5      791FE1  US              Dev.Desc for parallel port /p
nil             #2      F0652E  OS              Dev.Desc for /nil
                                                    (uses NULL dev.drvr) 
nil             #3      D68A35  6M              Dev.Desc for /nil
                                                    (uses NULL dev.drvr) 

--K-WINDOWS(windows, mice, keyboard, sound)-------------------
windio.070      #54     593A56  W54             K-windows Dev.Drivr (uses scf)
                                                    68070 specific version
windio.340      #54     FFD932  W54             K-windows Dev.Drivr (uses scf)
                                                    68340 specific version
windio.52       #52     D70DB7  W52             K-windows Dev.Drivr (uses scf)
windio          #50     1CBA76  66              K-windows Dev.Drivr (uses scf)
windio          #22     B84501  OW, W50         K-windows Dev.Drivr (uses scf)
keydrv.mm1      #48     A8EA84  W54             System: xt-keyboard driver
keydrv          #46     9AAE1D  66, W52         System: xt-keyboard driver
keydrv          #1      9E4F38  OW, W50         System: xt-keyboard driver
ms68901         #2      78AEE2  OW, W50         Dev.Drivr for ms mouse
ms              #5      A4F4E0  OW, W50         Dev.Desc. for ms mouse
msdrv.901       #8      9635B1  66              Dev.Driver for mouse
msdrv.901_340   #8      B4729F  W52             Dev.Drivr for mice 68340 spec. #8     EA2518  W52             Dev.Drivr for mice 68340 spec.
term            #5      5B4BA9  OW, W50         Dev.Desc for /term
term            #5      9953D8  66              Dev.Desc for /term
term            #5      E80327  US              Dev.Desc for /term
snddrv          #4      17DC0D  W52             System: sound driver.
snddrv          #1      64A72B  OW, W50         System: sound driver.
stdfonts        #1      3C55DD  OW, W50, 6M, 66 Standard Fonts
w               #5      CB91D8  OW, W50         Dev.Desc for /w
w               #5      E2B990  66              Dev.Desc for /w
w0              #5      E1A7EC  66              Dev.Desc for /w0
w1              #5      112C5D  66              Dev.Desc for /w1
w1              #5      380415  OW, W50         Dev.Desc for1 /w
w10             #5      6E2A35  66              Dev.Desc for /w10
w11             #5      123B    66              Dev.Desc for /w11
w12             #5      4AAA53  66              Dev.Desc for /w12
w13             #5      24925D  66              Dev.Desc for /w13
w14             #5      56CA6E  66
w15             #5      38F260  66
w2              #5      D635E3  66
w2              #5      FF1DAB  OW, W50
w3              #5      8D88B9  66
w3              #5      BDEAC1  OW, W50
w4              #5      C954F4  OW, W50
w4              #5      E04BA2  66
w5              #5      8BA39E  OW, W50
w5              #5      A2BCC8  66
w6              #5      4CBA20  OW, W50
w6              #5      51625A  66
w7              #5      139530  66
w7              #5      E4D4A   OW, W50
w8              #5      C8EAB0  66
w8              #5      D532CA  OW, W50
w9              #5      8A1DDA  66
w9              #5      97C5A0  OW, W50

--SBF-(Serial Block Devices - like tape drives)---------------
sbf_ck          #9      21988F  ??              Serial Block Filemanager
sbteac          #10     601885  ??              Dev.Drvr - Teac
sbteac_45s      #11     C47276  ??              Dev.Drvr - Teac_45s
mt0_sbteac      #5      423492  ??              Dev.Desc - Teac /mt0
sbviper         #25     19C3AF  ??              Dev.Drvr - sb viper
mt0_sbviper     #5      6545C3  ??              Dev.Desc - sb viper /mt0

--NFM-(Network File Manager)----------------------------------
nfm             #43     CB25E9  ON              Network File Manager
n6850           #4      A47111  ON              Dev.Drvr
n9026           #40     43CB8E  ON              Dev.Drvr
nc9026          #43     726612  ON              Dev.Drvr
n0              #43     5F1FA8  ON              Dev.Desc /n0
n0nc            #43     1B2043  ON              Dev.Desc /n0
ns2             #43     43365   ON              Dev.Desc /ns2
ns3             #43     64CE98  ON              Dev.Desc /ns3

cio             #6      E9ADF1  66              C trap library
math            #13     46C5DC  66              Math trap library
shell           #52     BFD301  6M              os-9 shell

Please send any additions/corrections to